الجمعة، 17 مايو 2013

claudio souza pinto

ولد في ساو باولو، البرازيل في عام 1954، كلاوديو سوزا بينتو بدأ في سن الرابعة يعملون في الطين تحت إشراف عمه، الرسام برناردو سيد دي سوزا بينتو. باع فنه الخاص في حين تدرس للحصول على شهادة في التصميم الصناعي في جامعة ماكنزي في مدينة ساو باولو. 

 ... "بالنسبة له الأقنعة هي أكثر من مجرد نتاج الإبداع. فهي مواقف الحياة اليومية التي نواجهها جميعا. "نحن جميعا قد أقنعة لدينا السلوكيات المختلفة، والتي تأتي تبعا للمناسبة"، ويضيف. "أنا تحويل مواقف الحياة اليومية مع فلتر سريالية وأنا خلق صور ملاطف رائعة وجيدة".
The romantic surrealist painter Claudio Souza Pinto, born in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1954, Claudio at the age of four began working in clay under the guidance of his uncle, the painter Bernardo Cid de Souza Pinto. He sold his own art whilst studying for a degree in industrial design at Mackenzie University in Sao Paulo. In 1990 Alan Aouizerate, the French art collector, fell in love with Souza Pinto's work and invited him to exhibit at Le Bains and The Opera in Paris. He has since successfully exhibited internationally for many years. He lived in France and now in Brazil. For the artist, life is a great play. All of us have different behavior masks, and they emerge depending on the occasion... in the theater of life! Painter/poet/humorist, the definition given to Claudio Souza Pinto's style by the artistic and intellectual communities of Paris, accurately translate this Brazilian's fine art paintings, which transform daily situations into surreal, romantic and funny images. His work has been enchanting Brazilians and Europeans for years and is now on the threshold of being discovered by the American public as well. Claudio's paintings delight people like architect Yves Bayard, who designed the National Museum of Contemporary Arts in Nice Bayard says, Claudio's paintings impress me for their freedom. He is a great master on happiness service. And Jacques Bral, the movie director awarded at the Cannes Film Festival, comments, Claudio's paintings have a fantastic realism and a visual discussion about melancholy and love. Sadness or happiness is always present in his paintings, even if in spirit

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