الاثنين، 13 مايو 2013

Roberto Bernardi

oberto Bernardi was born in Todi (Italy) on the 18th of May 1974

He started to paint at a very young age and his first works in oils date back to the first half of the eighties. He dedicated his studies to the learning of pictorial techniques which would have a significant influence on his artistic formation. 
In 1993 after his leaving school examinations in a science liceo, he moved to Rome where he worked as a restorer in the church of San Francesco a Ripa. After an initial foray with landscapes and portraits, Bernardi turned towards a totally new kind of realism closely associated to Photorealism (Hyperrealism

In September 1994 Bernardi had is first solo exhibition, obtaining both public recognition and that of the critics. Since 1997 his works have been included in numerous group survey exhibitions in Europe and the United States including, The New Britain Museum of American Art (U.S.A.) - The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art (U.S.A.) - National Museum of Fine Arts (Malta) - Bernarducci.Meisel.Gallery, New York (U.S.A.) - Louis K. Meisel Gallery, New York (U.S.A.) - Robert Kidd Gallery, Detroit (U.S.A.)- St.Pauls Gallery, Birmingham (England) - etc. Numerous articles, reviews, and publications have been written about Bernardi in daily newspapers and magazines, of which: The New York Sun, The Sunday Republican, The Hartford Courant, Art News, Art in America, Vogue Korea, Art and Antiques, Gallery Guide, The Spectator, Modern Painters, Country Life, Arte di Giorgio Mondadori, The Sunday Times, Arte Contemporanea De Agostini, etc. His paintings are included in private, public and corporate collections in the United States, England, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Malta, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the United Arab Emirates.
In May 2010 Art and Antiques, one of the most prestigious art magazine in the U.S.A., dedicated the front cover to Roberto Bernardi and in the same year, the american art magazine, Poets and Artists, also dedicated the front cover to Roberto Berrnardi and his art dealer Frank Bernarducci.
In 2010, ENI, the Italian multinational oil and gas company, currently Italy's largest industrial company, added Bernardi to the group of young talent from across the world who work to interpret in a unique way each moment of Eni's communication and commissioned Bernardi to do a Hyperrealistic painting to be added to their prestigious art collection
At the end of 2012 Roberto Bernardi will take part in an international museum tour on Photorealism which will start at the Kunsthalle Tübingen Museum, Tübingen (Germany) and will be continued at the Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid (Spain), Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, (England), NOMA - New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans (U.S.A.), OKCMOA - Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Oklaoma City (U.S.A), and The Butler
Institute Of American Art, Howland Township, Ohio (U.S.A


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