Omar Ortiz
Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in 1977, where he still resides. A great interest in drawing and illustration desdetemprana age. He earned his BA in Design for Graphic Communication, where he learned to work with different techniques such as drawing, pastel, charcoal, watercolor, acrylics, and airbrushing. After studying Graphic Design decided to devote himself to the world of painting. In 2002 He did his first oil painting classes with the painter Carmen Alarcon to which he considers his main teacher of Visual Arts. Currently paints in oils, considering the technique more noble
A hyperreal – Minimalist predominantly white, the human figure and a magical game of fabrics, characterized his work
هناك تعليقان (2):
اسعد الله صباحك بكل خير ..راقت لي المدونة ..بارك الله فيك يااختي هند ..و. ما رأيك في رسوماتي .ارجو عرض لوحاتي في صفحتك ..
اسعد الله كل اوقاتك سيدتي الكريمة اتمنى ان اعرض اعمالك ويشرفني ذلك يمكنك وضع رابط فيه معروضة اعمالك وانا سأقوم مباشرة بعرضها في المدونة...
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