تصنيفات مواضيع المدونة حسب مدارس الفنون الجميلة ومصطلحاتها

الأربعاء، 4 أبريل 2012

Xie Ming CHANG

謝明錩 / Се Мин Чанг / Xie Ming CHANG
Xie Ming CHANG graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University Department of Chinese. Was awarded the Lion Art Newcomer Award, the National Art Exhibition, Golden Dragon Award, Painting Association of the Republic of China Jin Jue Award and other awards. Published book of the mystery of "aquarelle" in 1997, the GTA , the current Taiwan University of Arts, Associate Professor, Department of Fine Arts. 2005 he was appointed to the Hsuan Chuang University Visual Communication Design Department is appointed as Associate Professor, teaching in the school curriculum as watercolor

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