تصنيفات مواضيع المدونة حسب مدارس الفنون الجميلة ومصطلحاتها

الجمعة، 6 يوليو 2012

Colin Berry

Colin Berry is a Contemporary Realist painter who has studied both historical and contemporary approaches to oil painting technique and color theory. His under- graduate and graduate fine art degrees in painting come from the University of NH(1985) and Boston University(1987) respectively. He received scholarships in 1984 & 1985 to study in summer programs at Yale University and the Realist Workshop & Symposium in La Napoule, France. In 1993-94 he was awarded a Fulbright Grant to study in Italy where he sought out Renaissance masterworks, attended the Florence Academy of Art, and studied human anatomy at the Zoological Museum in Florence. In 1998 he attended Nelson Shanks painting workshop at the Art Students League. He has exhibited on a regional and national level, and has been featured in American Artist magazine publications twice, The Artist's Magazine twice (2 covers), and in two publications of the Best of Artists/Oil (cover) book series

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